Tuesday 19 December 2023

Paul Mengert Views AMG as a Platform for Continuous Learning


One reason Paul Mengert, AMG (Association Management Group) founder and current CEO, is because he believes strongly that education is the key to making every life better. He also believes that it is important to give back to the community, whether you do it personally or through business activity or a little of both, which is why he was sure to locate AMG in Greensboro, North Carolina, the community where he was born and raised, where he received a first-class education himself and where he currently resides with his family.

Over the years, Paul Mengert has become a highly regarded leader in the homeowners association management industry, primarily in the Carolinas, but also nationwide. In addition to AMG, Paul Mengert is also president of the Carolinas Chapter of the Community Associations Institute. In his role with that organization, Paul teaches CLE classes for those who work in homeowner's associations. These classes are approved as by groups as diverse as the South Carolina Department of Real Estate, the North Carolina Board of Realtors and the California Department of Real Estate, among many other groups.

Organizations tend to trust the information that Paul imparts in these classes due to his extensive experience in the real estate industry and the reputation he has developed as a highly successful association management specialist. More than fifty local companies have sent executives to Paul Mengert, AMG CEO, to help with that firm’s Management Development Program. Among those companies includ major corporations like Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Carolina CAT, CC. Dickson Co., Duke Energy, Microsoft and Pfizer. That is because what AMG teaches is important and should be taken seriously.